Why Formula?

Why Formula? No Apologies Necessary Summary Put yourself first Formula feeding allows for a more flexible lifestyle Mom’s diet and medications won’t affect the baby Breastfeeding may interfere with romantic moments Fashion and modesty are no longer factors Which is better? Coffee or tea. Bottled water or tap water. Butter or margarine. So too you…


What’s Stopping Me From Breastfeeding?

What’s Stopping Me From Breastfeeding? Those Haunting Fears & Rumors Summary Breastfeeding does not damage breasts Inverted nipples don’t interfere with breastfeeding Difficulty breastfeeding your first child shouldn’t stop you from trying again Pain should not be part of breastfeeding Breastfeeding need not be time-consuming and complicated Most often, one starts to breastfeed and then…


Shampooing Basics

Shampooing Basics Don’t Cry For Me Baby Tina Summary Babies are often born with little hair Shampoo only once or twice a week Happy hair washing begins with a tearless shampoo Babies don’t like having their head tipped back A little drop goes a long way Shampoo visors protect your baby’s eyes   Baby basics…


What to Buy

What to Buy Spend Wisely and At the Right Time Summary Make a list of what you really need before you go shopping Be thankful for hand-me-downs Delay purchasing what you won’t use until you need it Buy for the season Baby showers and registries help a lot   Some parents arrive in my office…


Sponge Bath Basics

Sponge Bath Basics Keeping Baby Clean as a New Penny Summary Babies don’t need daily baths Taking your time is delicious Get everything in one place before you start A methodical approach works best   Just like adults, some new babies adore baths but some act like it’s specially designed torture. Part of making bath…


Why Breastfeed?

Why Breastfeed? Other Than Because Everyone Expects It Of You Summary Breastfeeding is inexpensive and healthy Breastfeeding promotes bonding and is convenient Brain development may benefit from breastfeeding Breastfed babies often have fewer infections and are less colicky Mom may experience health benefits from breastfeeding   You must have received the memo by now. Breastfeeding…


When Not To Breastfeed

When Not To Breastfeed When Breast Isn’t Best Summary Medications and drugs you take will affect your breast milk Your baby’s doctor and the NIH are good resources to determine drug safety Infections within you can affect your baby Rare diseases such as galactosemia will prevent you from breastfeeding Breast surgery or augmentation may or…
